Song Review: Momoland x Chromance – Wrap Me In Plastic 您所在的位置:网站首页 wrap me inplastic小黄歌 Song Review: Momoland x Chromance – Wrap Me In Plastic

Song Review: Momoland x Chromance – Wrap Me In Plastic

2023-08-11 20:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

After their breakout 2018 success, Momoland have pinballed from one novelty to another, trying to find something that might stick. This has been largely unsuccessful, though they remain a competitive force in today’s K-pop landscape. Their pursuit of viral sounds has led them toward a few different collaborations, the latest of which sees them paired with masked EDM DJ Chromance on a cover of his 2020 TikTok hit Wrap Me In Plastic.

While my eyes glazed over as soon as I read “TikTok hit,” I’m always hopeful that K-pop can do its thing and somehow bring something new to the endeavor. Unfortunately, Momoland’s version is pretty much a straight cover. And, having an upbeat girl group sing these lyrics comes across as even creepier than the original.

There’s a reason why I don’t review English-language pop music. Too often, I get stuck in the weeds when it comes to lyrics. And the lyrics here are… something else. I honestly can’t tell if the original was meant to be some sort of weird parody, but Momoland play it totally straight. And, that makes the end-result feel awkward and off-putting. The protagonist of this song seems to give up all her agency to a man, and the repeated dollhouse theming brings to mind the worst of K-pop fetishization. There appears to be no subversion present within the track itself, unless I’m missing something. It’s just a straight-up creepfest.

Taking the lyrics away from the track (which is hard to do), the synthesized reggae beat is nothing to write home about. My favorite moment is the vocaloid-esque break right after the chorus, but that may just be because it’s one of the few times I don’t feel like I need to take a cold shower.

 Hooks 7  Production 7  Longevity 7  Bias 5  RATING 6.5

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